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As you adhere to a Fund? Come si aderisce a un fondo

accredited school Tuscan Region N FI0940, non-profit association registered at the Tuscany Region n° 2435

As you adhere to a Fund?

Companies wishing to join a fund must indicate to the National Institute of Social Security Fund Interprofessional chosen. The INPS will donate to the latter 0.30% of the ontribution that companies routinely pay by way of unemployment insurance (article 25 law 845/1978).

To enroll in one of the many national funds is therefore necessary to provide guidance to their labor consultant who, by filling in the DM10 / 02 (today UNIEMENS), starts the rocess of transfer of 0.30% of contributio mandatory paid to 'INPS to the fund chosen.

Why rely on Mahasara Italian "Consulting"?

Mahasara Italy, in response to the detection of training needs company, it is able to ensure operating procedures agile and lean to entrust the management of the training rofessional fund financed by identifying the most suitable, to ensure the management of the process without additional costs and red tape for the company.

Thanks to the synergy of our partner, the organizational network of Italian NGOs Mahasara will consider whether:

· Access to training plans of those training funding that will issue the alerts (or Bandi) for the collection of project proposals submitted (by enterprises or educational institutions);

· Ensure certainty and timeliness in the allocation of resources to companies from other funds trade that do not require advanced payments
requested nor participation in tenders or notices.

You have already subscribed to one of the existing funds trade?

If the company has already made its choice in the past and has already joined a professional fund which guarantees the provision, it should be stressed that the set aside is equired for the purposes of training financed, by the end of three years all ' affiliation to the fund, otherwise it will be lost.

Faced with a previous affiliation to one of the existing inter funds, with profits already accrued but then never benefited, Mahasara Italian "Consulting" can, given the mandate of the company, and always at no cost to the company:

· Follow the management process for the funded training in continuity with the adhesion to the substrate chosen;

· Make portability to another fund most appropriate to cover training instance detected.